Marketing Plan

Whatever led you to starting your own business –whether redundancy, sheer chance, a new product or idea –life running your own business can be pretty hectic.

Being organised definitely helps to keep an element of order to how you grow and manage your business –and part of being organised in business is ‘good planning’.

Time does not stand still –and therefore, neither can your business –you need to plan a means of developing your business, serving customers, getting new customers and retaining the ones you have, innovatively, simply and effectively (nothing too difficult there then!). 

In an ever changing business environment you need to be sure you have considered every resource to help drive your business.  The internet has opened the playing field, and reduced the barriers to entry –and so even the smallest businesses have significant opportunities for growth, development and brand visibility.

Simply committing your ideas and plans to paper gives you a blueprint to refer to.  It’s your business plan.  And a key component of that business plan is your Marketing Plan.  Your ‘Marketing Plan’ is the ‘HOW’ you are going to deliver your business objectives.

Of course, the real challenge is ‘implementing’ the plan –but creating your Marketing Plan is the starting point, providing you with a central point of reference which keeps you steering your business in the right direction.

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