Last updated Jul 17, 2024 and written by Tom Richardson

Changing your company’s SIC code

The Standard Industrial Classification Code – also known as the SIC Code – is a 6-digit number that outlines the industry that a limited company operates in. In this post we’ll look at how you can change your company’s existing SIC Code.

Since April 2016 company directors need to select their SIC Code as part of the company formation process. Before this the SIC Code was not chosen until the Annual Return, now known as the Confirmation Statement, was filed (so if your company was formed before April 2016 – you will select your SIC Code in your first Confirmation Statement).

Changing a company’s SIC Code (or SIC Codes – companies can have multiple codes) is extremely simple. All you need to do is prepare a Confirmation Statement with your new code or codes – once this has been filed and accepted at Companies House, your company’s SIC Code/s will be updated.

We hope you’ve found this post helpful. See below if you require further SIC Code assistance:

View the full list of SIC Codes

Prepare and file your company’s Confirmation Statement