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How your Digital Mailroom works
Do you have a registered office and/or service address with us? Then you need to know about this. On June 1st we are introducing a Digital Mailroom. This means the way we handle your official government mail, such as mail from Companies House and HMRC, is changing … for the better!
How it works
Our new state-of-the-art scanner will securely open your government mail, scan it, and then email you the scan. We’ll then hold the letter for 7 days, just in case you do need the original too. If this is the case simply email [email protected] and we’ll forward it to you.
A handy repository for all your mail
As well as receiving scans of your mail via email, you will also be able to access these scans any time you want from your Company Formation MadeSimple dashboard.
What email address will scans be sent to?
Scans will automatically be sent to the email address that we have on your account. If you wish to change this email address:
- Log in to Company Formation MadeSimple
- Select ‘My Details’
- Enter your new email address and select ‘Update my Details’
Is there any mail that will not be opened and scanned?
Thanks to our experience in mail handling, we recognise envelopes that contain sensitive codes such as WebFiling Authentication Codes and Government Gateway IDs – this mail will not be opened and will instead be forwarded to you.
If mail is forwarded what address will it be forwarded to?
Any forwarded mail will be sent to the address that we have on your account. If you wish to change this address:
- Log in to Company Formation MadeSimple
- Select ‘My Details’
- Enter your new postal address and select ‘Update my Details’
Can I collect my government mail?
If you want to collect any originals please email [email protected] with this request within 7 days of receiving the scan. We’ll then hold the mail for an extra 30 days. Mail can be collected from 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU (open Monday – Friday, 9 am – 5 pm). If collecting mail please ensure you bring proof of ID.
What are the benefits of a Digital Mailroom?
Receive your mail faster – you will see your mail on the same day that we get it, regardless of where you are in the UK or the world. This is key because a large portion of the mail that we handle is time sensitive.
Less hassle if you’re on the move – it doesn’t matter if you move house and forget to tell us or take a holiday, you’ll still see all your important government mail on the same day we receive it.
Go paperless – no more cluttering your office with files and folders or wasting time looking for letters. Going digital means it’s simple for you to share any important documents with co-directors, shareholders and colleagues.
It’s better for the environment – once the 7 day hold period has passed any mail that is not forwarded to you by request will be securely destroyed and recycled. And of course, the less mail we send, the fewer envelopes and vans required to send mail out.
This new system gives you a much faster and more streamlined experience. If you have any questions please call 0207 608 5500 or email [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.